A practical book for geologists involved in petroleum production, here is a comprehensive review of basic techniques in production geology, the links with related subjects, and the function of geologists in the planning and operation of all phases of oilfield development. The first part discusses the basic techniques used in the analysis and graphic representation of the stratigraphy, tectonic …
This book addresses a wide range of issues relating to the theoretical substantiation of the necessity of Industry 4.0, the development of the methodological tools for its analysis and evaluation, and practical solutions for effectively managing this process. It particularly focuses on solving the problem of optimizing the development of Industry 4.0 in the context of knowledge economy formatio…
Vrijens (2001) menulis buku berjudul “Basis voor Verantwoord Trainen.” (Verantwoord artinya “bertanggung jawab”). Dia dengan demikian ingin mengingatkan para pelatih agar mereka dalam tugas melatihnya melakukannya dengan penuh tanggung jawab. Ada ungkapan yang mengatakan bahwa “Tinggi-rendahnya performa atliet adalah cerminan dari tinggi-rendahnya ilmu dan keterampilan pelatihnya” d…